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;;; AI_UTILS.LSP Version 0.5
;;; Copyright (C) 1991-1992 by Autodesk, Inc.
;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
;;; for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;; that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that
;;; both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
;;; all supporting documentation.
;;; (ai_abort <appname> [<error message>] )
;;; Displays critical error message in alert box and terminates all
;;; running applications.
;;; If <errmsg> is nil, no alert box or error message is displayed.
(defun ai_abort (app msg)
(defun *error* (s)
(if old_error (setq *error* old_error))
(if msg
(alert (strcat " Application error: "
" \n\n "
" \n"
(defun ai_return (value) value) ; Make act of returning value explicit
;;; Beep function conditional on user-preferred setting.
(defun ai_beep ( / f)
(write-line "\007" (setq f (open "CON" "w")))
(setq f (close f))
;;; (ai_alert <message> )
;;; Shell for (alert)
(defun ai_alert (msg)
(if ai_beep? (ai_beep))
(alert (strcat " " msg " "))
;;; (ai_acadapp)
;;; Check to see if acadapp is loaded (and load if necessary).
;;; If ACADAPP is not loaded, then display a message indicating
;;; such in an alert box, and return NIL to the caller. This
;;; function does not generate an error condition, so if that is
;;; appropriate, then the caller must test the result and generate
;;; the error condition itself.
(defun ai_acadapp ( / fname)
(setq fname (ai_acadapp_fn))
( (= (type acad_colordlg) 'EXSUBR)) ; it's already loaded.
( (not (findfile fname)) ; find it
(ai_alert (strcat "Can't find " fname "."))
(ai_return nil))
( (eq "failed" (xload fname "failed")) ; load it
(ai_alert (strcat "Can't load " fname "."))
(ai_return nil))
;;; (ai_acadapp_fn)
;;; This function returns the filename & extension of the ADS
;;; ACADAPP executable for every platform.
;;; Default filename is "acadapp" (in lower-case).
(defun ai_acadapp_fn ( / platform)
(setq platform (getvar "platform"))
( (eq platform "Windows") "ACADAPP.EXE")
( (eq platform "386 DOS Extender") "ACADAPP.EXP")
;;; insert other cases as required.
(t "acadapp") ; Default extension
;;; (ai_table <table name> <bit> )
;;; Returns a list of items in the specified table. The bit values have the
;;; following meaning:
;;; 0 List all items in the specified table.
;;; 1 Do not list Layer 0 and Linetype CONTINUOUS.
;;; 2 Do not list anonymous blocks.
;;; A check against the 70 flag for the following bit:
;;; 1 anonymous block
;;; 4 Do not list externally dependant items.
;;; A check against the 70 flag is made for any of the following
;;; bits, which add up to 48:
;;; 16 externally dependant
;;; 32 resolved external or dependant
;;; 8 Do not list Xrefs.
;;; A check against the 70 flag for the following bit:
;;; 4 external reference
;;; 16 Add BYBLOCK and BYLAYER items to list.
(defun ai_table (table_name bit / tbldata table_list just_name)
(setq tbldata nil)
(setq table_list '())
(setq table_name (strcase table_name))
(while (setq tbldata (tblnext table_name (not tbldata)))
(setq just_name (cdr (assoc 2 tbldata)))
((= "" just_name)) ; Never return null Shape names.
((and (= 1 (logand bit 1))
(or (and (= table_name "LAYER") (= just_name "0"))
(and (= table_name "LTYPE")
(= just_name "CONTINUOUS")
((and (= 2 (logand bit 2))
(= table_name "BLOCK")
(= 1 (logand 1 (cdr (assoc 70 tbldata))))
((and (= 4 (logand bit 4))
;; Check for Xref dependents only.
(zerop (logand 4 (cdr (assoc 70 tbldata))))
(not (zerop (logand 48 (cdr (assoc 70 tbldata)))))
((and (= 8 (logand bit 8))
(not (zerop (logand 4 (cdr (assoc 70 tbldata)))))
;; Vports tables can have similar names, only display one.
((member just_name table_list)
(T (setq table_list (cons just_name table_list)))
((and (= 16 (logand bit 16))
(= table_name "LTYPE") ) (setq table_list (cons "BYBLOCK"
(cons "BYLAYER" table_list))) )
(ai_return table_list)
;;; (ai_strtrim <string> )
;;; Trims leading and trailing spaces from strings.
(defun ai_strtrim (s)
((/= (type s) 'str) nil)
(t (ai_strltrim (ai_strrtrim s)))
(defun ai_strltrim (s)
((eq s "") s)
((/= " " (substr s 1 1)) s)
(t (ai_strltrim (substr s 2)))
(defun ai_strrtrim (s)
((eq s "") s)
((/= " " (substr s (strlen s) 1)) s)
(t (ai_strrtrim (substr s 1 (1- (strlen s)))))
;;; Pass a number, an error message, and a range. If the value is good, it is
;;; returned, else an error is displayed.
;;; Range values:
;;; 0 - any numeric input OK
;;; 1 - reject positive
;;; 2 - reject negative
;;; 4 - reject zero
(defun ai_num (value error_msg range / good_value)
;; is it a number
((not (setq good_value (distof value)))
(set_tile "error" error_msg)
;; is it positive
((and (= 1 (logand 1 range))
(= (abs good_value) good_value)
(set_tile "error" error_msg)
;; is it zero
((and (= 2 (logand 2 range))
(= 0.0 good_value)
(set_tile "error" error_msg)
;; is it negative
((and (= 4 (logand 4 range))
(/= (abs good_value) good_value)
(set_tile "error" error_msg)
(T good_value)
;;; Pass an angle and an error message. If good, the angle is returned else
;;; nil and an error message displayed.
(defun ai_angle(value error_msg / good_value)
((and (setq good_value (angtof value))
(set_tile "error" "")
(atof (angtos good_value))
(T (set_tile "error" error_msg) nil)
;;; Error routine.
(defun ai_error (s) ; If an error (such as CTRL-C) occurs
(if (not (member s '("Function cancelled" "console break")))
(princ (strcat "\nError: " s))
(if undo_init (ai_undo_pop)) ; Deal with UNDO
(if old_error (setq *error* old_error)) ; Restore old *error* handler
(if old_cmd (setvar "cmdecho" old_cmd)) ; Restore cmdecho value
;;; Routines that check CMDACTIVE and post an alert if the calling routine
;;; should not be called in the current CMDACTIVE state. The calling
;;; routine calls (ai_trans) if it can be called transparently or
;;; (ai_notrans) if it cannot.
;;; 1 - Ordinary command active.
;;; 2 - Ordinary and transparent command active.
;;; 4 - Script file active.
;;; 8 - Dialogue box active.
(defun ai_trans ()
(if (zerop (logand (getvar "cmdactive") (+ 2 4 8) ))
(alert "This command may not be invoked transparently.")
(defun ai_transd ()
(if (zerop (logand (getvar "cmdactive") (+ 2 4) ))
(alert "This command may not be invoked transparently.")
(defun ai_notrans ()
(if (zerop (logand (getvar "cmdactive") (+ 1 2 4 8) ))
(alert "This command may not be invoked transparently.")
;;; (ai_aselect)
;;; Looks for a current selection set, and returns it if found,
;;; or throws user into interactive multiple object selection,
;;; and returns the resulting selection set if one was selected.
;;; Sets the value of ai_seltype to:
;;; 1 = resulting selection set was autoselected
;;; 2 = resulting selection set was prompted for.
(defun ai_aselect ( / ss)
( (and (eq 1 (logand 1 (getvar "pickfirst")))
(setq ss (ssget "i")))
(setq ai_seltype 1)
(ai_return ss))
( (setq ss (ssget))
(setq ai_seltype 2)
(ai_return ss))
;;; (ai_aselect1 <msg> )
;;; Looks for ONE autoselected entity, or throws the user into
;;; interactive entity selection (one entity, where a selection
;;; point is insignificant). <msg> is the prompt generated if
;;; interactive selection is invoked.
;;; Sets the value of ai_seltype to:
;;; 1 = resulting entity was autoselected
;;; 2 = resulting entity was prompted for.
(defun ai_aselect1 (msg / ent)
( (and (eq 1 (logand 1 (getvar "pickfirst")))
(setq ent (ssget "i"))
(eq 1 (sslength ent)))
(setq ai_seltype 1)
(ai_return (ssname ent 0)))
( (setq ent (entsel msg))
(setq ai_seltype 2)
(ai_return (car ent)))
;;; A function that turns on UNDO so that some existing routines will work.
;;; Do not use with new routines as they should be designed to operate with
;;; any UNDO setting.
(defun ai_undo_on ()
(setq undo_setting (getvar "undoctl"))
((= 2 (logand undo_setting 2)) ; Undo is one
(command "_.undo" "control" "_all" "_.undo" "_auto" "_off")
((/= 1 (logand undo_setting 1)) ; Undo is disabled
(command "_.undo" "_all" "_.undo" "_auto" "_off")
;;; Return UNDO to the initial setting. Do not use with new routines as they
;;; should be designed to operate with any UNDO setting.
(defun ai_undo_off ()
((/= 1 (logand undo_setting 1))
(command "_.undo" "_control" "_none")
((= 2 (logand undo_setting 2))
(command "_.undo" "_control" "_one")
;;; UNDO handlers. When UNDO ALL is enabled, Auto must be turned off and
;;; GROUP and END added as needed.
(defun ai_undo_push()
(setq undo_init (getvar "undoctl"))
((and (= 1 (logand undo_init 1)) ; enabled
(/= 2 (logand undo_init 2)) ; not ONE (ie ALL is ON)
(/= 8 (logand undo_init 8)) ; no GROUP active
(command "_.undo" "_group")
;; If Auto is ON, turn it off.
(if (= 4 (logand 4 undo_init))
(command "_.undo" "_auto" "_off")
;;; Add an END to UNDO and return to initial state.
(defun ai_undo_pop()
((and (= 1 (logand undo_init 1)) ; enabled
(/= 2 (logand undo_init 2)) ; not ONE (ie ALL is ON)
(/= 8 (logand undo_init 8)) ; no GROUP active
(command "_.undo" "_end")
;; If it has been forced off, turn it back on.
(if (= 4 (logand undo_init 4))
(command "_.undo" "_auto" "_on")
;;; (get_dcl "FILTER")
;;; Checks for the existence of, and loads the specified .DCL file,
;;; or aborts with an appropriate error message, causing the initial
;;; load of the associated application's .LSP file to be aborted as
;;; well, disabling the application.
;;; If the load is successful, the handle of the .DCL file is then
;;; added to the ASSOCIATION LIST ai_support, which would have the
;;; following structure:
;;; (("DCLFILE1" . 1) ("DCLFILE2" . 2)...)
;;; If result of (ai_dcl) is NIL, then .DCL file is not avalable,
;;; or cannot be loaded (the latter can result from a DCL audit).
;;; Applications that call (ai_dcl) should test its result, and
;;; terminate or abort if it is nil. Normal termination rather
;;; than aborting with an error condition, is desirable if the
;;; application can be invoked transparently.
(defun ai_dcl (dcl_file / dcl_handle)
;; If the specified .DCL is already loaded then
;; just return its handle to the caller.
((ai_return (cdr (assoc dcl_file ai_support))))
;; Otherwise, try to FIND the .DCL file, and display a
;; an appropriate message if it can't be located, and
;; return Nil to the caller:
((not (findfile (strcat dcl_file ".dcl")))
"Can't locate dialog definition file " dcl_file
".dcl\n Check your support directory."))
(ai_return nil)
;; The file has been found. Now try to load it. If it
;; can't be succesfully loaded, then indicate such, and
;; abort the caller:
((or (not (setq dcl_handle (load_dialog dcl_file)))
(> 1 dcl_handle))
"Can't load dialog control file " dcl_file ".dcl"
"\n Check your support directory."))
(ai_return nil)
;; Otherwise, the file has been loaded, so add it's handle
;; to the FILE->HANDLE association list AI_SUPPORT, and
;; return the handle to the caller:
(t (setq ai_support (cons (cons dcl_file dcl_handle) ai_support))
(ai_return dcl_handle)